
Results from complete repository (8,301)

The European twin congress in Oirschot
The European twin congress in Oirschot
Week number 55-22Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:34) 22 May 1955
The Gelderland Orchestra performs in front of 10.000 youth i...
The Gelderland Orchestra performs in front of 10.000 youth in Arnhem
Week number 51-18Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:34) 30 Apr 1951
Het Geluid van Nederland (Nederlandse versie)
Het Geluid van Nederland (Nederlandse versie)
Video over het project Het Geluid van Nederland. (04:43) 04 Jul 2013
Preparing the ambulance for Finland, leader dr. Meihuizen
Preparing the ambulance for Finland, leader dr. Meihuizen
Week number 40-11Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:22) 12 Mar 1940
Het gerestaureerde carillon speelt weer
Het gerestaureerde carillon speelt weer
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 27 uit 1949. (01:16) 27 Jun 1949
The varied fleet
The varied fleet
Week number 64-16Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:44) 01 Apr 1964
The biggest clock house in our country
The biggest clock house in our country
Week number 61-09Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:15) 31 Jan 1961
The herring season has started
The herring season has started
Week number 58-21Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:11) 17 May 1958
Het harmonika orgel
Het harmonika orgel
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 42 uit 1934. (01:21) 14 Oct 1934
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 36 uit 1947. (02:18) 01 Sep 1947

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